LHG Chrismas Get Together

The recently held Christmas Get-together event for all our associates, extended business partners and co-brokers conducted in our new officer premise was a smashing success over food, drinks and lots of fun… now everyone is asking for a repeat every quarter.

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Partners’ Meeting @ RWS Beach Villa

The quarterly partners’ meeting was conducted as RWS beach villa to review on the industry development as well as to chart new growth directions for our partners and their associates.


Partners’ Dinner @ Garibaldi

A night of appreciation of the LHG “engine” and the family that supports them. It is also a time to get to know the partners and their family better too.


Outdoor Activity @ Venus Trail

A Day of trekking with the emphasis on fostering LHG Espirit D Core spirit as well as to built up all the stamina of our associates who had been busy closing deals and had not been exercising to everyday Real Estate business.
